Blog Roll

“All the effort in the world won't matter if you're not inspired.” 
― Chuck PalahniukDiary

As oft said, enthusiasm is excitement with inspiration, motivation, and a pinch of creativity. My enthusiasm got fueled by the creations of some talented and expressive people out in the blogosphere who have motivated me, way before I even started. In a way, some of them have been instrumental in unknowingly providing me with the courage to begin this journey which I am cherishing every bit so far.

Here's to all of them!


Thank you!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Jagruti,
    I came accross your fb profile because of some common friends and then landed up going through your blog and I must say I am really impressed. It is really nice to see a fellow oriya with so much of passion for food just like me. Watching food shows (especially Sanjeev Kappor's khana khazana on a Sunday and Food Network here is US) was so much familiar. I graduated from USC last year. So good to see your work and someone with so much in common. Keep up the good work!



Each kind, encouraging word gives me the impetus to put more into this space, so thanks a lot for browsing through and stopping by to say a word! :)